Segment One The Construction Committee was on site to do a trail inspection and as you can see, they were playing rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets to operate the backhoe. They were [...]
Rick Mercer congratulates the Windermere Elementary School Grade 6/7 Kids on the Run For Dreams race on October 12, 2017. [lead]During the Spring of 2017, Tara Whittick’s Grade 6/7 Class at [...]
Segment 1 We have removed the trees from Segment 1 and completed most of the excavation work required prior to placing the gravel trail base. This segment has some fantastic sections that weave [...]
Segment 1 Progress [lead] We’ve been waiting for The Ministry of Transportation to approve some new highway load restrictions in order to haul away some debris. Now that the restriction has been [...]
[alert type=”danger”] CELEBRATE A SUMMER FEST IS POSTPONED. Sadly, we’ve had to reschedule Celebrate – find out more here[/alert] Let’s Celebrate the Columbia [...]
[lead] Just in time for Canada’s 150th birthday, Greenways is announcing a new Donation Matching opportunity for the Westside Legacy Trail: Every donation made between now and Canada Day will be [...]
Trail Construction Underway! [lead]With a great deal of excitement, Greenways is announcing the official start of construction for the Westside Legacy Trail! After raising four of the five [...]
Every donation made towards the Westside Legacy Trail between now and Canada Day will be MATCHED (Up to $150k – to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday!) [row] [column [...]
Join renowned artist Alex Fong (who is again helping to support #OurTrail alongside the The Artym Gallery!) for an evening of interactive painting at Eagle Ranch on April 22nd. Space is LIMITED, [...]