Donation Matching is back – $150k for Canada’s 150th!

 In News

Every donation made towards the Westside Legacy Trail between now and Canada Day will be MATCHED (Up to $150k – to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday!)

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[column xs=”12″ sm=”6″] [lead]Let’s finish the Trail! Spring is off to a great start with trail construction beginning earlier this month. We had a huge fundraising boost this year, and now a generous donation matching opportunity has begun![/lead]

Double your donation with matching!

Bob and Barb Shaunessy, residents of the Columbia Valley have stepped forward to kick-off our spring start-of-construction with a campaign to finish the Trail. “Celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday, we are making a big donation towards the Westside Legacy Trail, and we want to call on the community to show their support” announced the Shaunessy’s. “In honour of Canada’s birthday we are making a commitment to match donations up to $150,000 made from today until Canada Day, July 1st, 2017. We want to see the trail as close to finished as possible, so we can all enjoy it.”

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