Rick Mercer Supports the WLT

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Rick Mercer congratulates the Windermere Elementary School Grade 6/7 Kids on the Run For Dreams race on October 12, 2017.

[lead]During the Spring of 2017, Tara Whittick’s Grade 6/7 Class at Windermere Elementary put their heads together, and brainstormed a fantastic way to help raise funds for the remainder of the Westside Legacy Trail – a race![/lead]

Run For Dreams will take place on October 12, 2017, and students from across the Columbia Valley are invited to participate by collecting pledges, and running 1, 3 or 5 KMs on the new Westside Legacy Trail. Rocky Mountain School District 6 is supporting the race by bussing up to 1,000 kids to the trailhead.

The event has garnered attention from none other than Rick Mercer, who responded to the students in kind, with the video posted above.

Inspired by his support, the students are reaching back to Mr. Mercer, in hopes that he will join them on October 18th and participate in the run. The following video is their response:

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