3 Road Crossings

For the entire 25km length of the Westside Legacy Trail, it crosses Westside Road only three times. This paved trail will bring many new safe opportunities to enjoy being outside.

2 Trailhead Kiosks

Two Trailhead Kiosks will mark the beginning and end of the Westside Legacy Trail. The trailheads will honour our Donors and their Legacy, starting with the One Meter of Trail donation level.

3 Parking Areas

There will be three parking areas for visitors to enter the Westside Legacy Trail, located along Westside Road.

7 Picnic Areas

Enjoy a snack as you travel along the Westside Legacy Trail at one of the five scenic picnic areas.

3 Creek Crossings

The Westside Legacy Trail meets four small creeks, and a large beaver pond.

7 Interpretive Areas

Pause your trek and enjoy some nature, punctuated by seven interpretive signs along The Westside Legacy Trail.

17 Benches

Seventeen benches, or rest areas, will dot the Westside Legacy Trail on particularly beautiful sections. Sit back and enjoy!

20 Flagstones

Around each Trailhead Kiosk will be up to ten engraved steel flagstones embedded in the concrete, each one unique to the donor.

$9 Million Target

With a total budget of $9 Million, the Trail is funded by grants, cash, in-kind, and landowner donations – all from our local community! We hope to bring everyone closer to nature through our trails in the Columbia Valley.

Unlimited Memories

The Westside Legacy Trail is for everyone – we encourage you to enjoy every metre – Make fond memories, make it Your Trail! Bring your shoes, bikes or cross country skis and we will see you out there!