Segment 1 cleared!

 In News

Segment 1 Progress

[lead] We’ve been waiting for The Ministry of Transportation to approve some new highway load restrictions in order to haul away some debris. Now that the restriction has been lifted we are “all systems go”. Trees and shrubs along the pathway have been cleared, and the segment one is nearly ready for the next step – grading. In the coming weeks we will be digging down and forming a solid base of rock and gravel – the foundation for the new Westide Legacy Trail.[/lead]

We have also cleared the trees and land from the parking area at the north end of the Trail in preparation for when the first sections of trail open. For now, however, the Trail is an active construction area, and we caution everyone to maintain a safe distance. In the meantime the staging area will be used for producing our retaining wall system. This system will be seeded after construction so that it disappears under a cover of vegetation.

Segment 2 Progress

[lead]We started clearing the trees and land from Segment 2 between the end of Segment 1 and Salter Creek to allow the placement of the bridge piles. Our bridges were one of the many donation opportunities offered by the Westside Legacy fundraising effort, and many of you are eagerly awaiting their installation – which should be coming very soon![/lead]

The trail north of Salter Creak will be familiar to those of us who have biked that trail in the past and this part of the trail mostly follows the same route.

Anticipated work in the coming weeks:

We will be continuing the tree and brush removal from the Trail in Segments 1 and 2 and expect to start the trail grading process in Segment 1 shortly. The work along the steep side south of Goldie Creek should be an interesting challenge, as it is one of the steepest sections in the entire route.

If you would like to find out more about the Westside Legacy Trail please go to our website where we have all our information.

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