This week on the trail

 In News

Segment One 

The Construction Committee was on site to do a trail inspection and as you can see, they were playing rock, paper, scissors to decide who gets to operate the backhoe. They were disappointed to hear WorkSafe BC would not allow that.  Safety first!



The work on the switchbacks south of Goldie Creek continues and the area north of Goldie Creek will see construction of the retaining wall system begin this week.  Approximately 4,000 bags have been filled to date, with an additional 8,000 to be filled and placed.



Segment two

The majority of the excavation for this segment is prepped and ready for proof rolling. This section will offer a good mix of spectacular views, beautiful creek crossings, and trails that wind through open forests like this one on the K2 Ranch.



Planned activities in the coming weeks

Completion of the switchbacks and retaining walls will be followed by hauling, placing and compaction of the sub-base gravel.

If you would like to find out more about the Westside Legacy Trail please go to our website where we have all our information.

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