Fall Update And Giving Tuesday

We’ve Missed You!
With a hectic summer of construction, droughts, heat waves, managing through pandemic rules, we are very pleased with the progress the Greenways team has made! Now, we are excited to provide you with an update, to say thank you, and to provide an opportunity to continue your support.
The most important thing is to share our appreciation. Without supporters like you, the incredible new infrastructure that has been done, trail upgrades, and plans to continue to build, would simply not be possible. From the bottom of our hearts, please accept our sincere gratitude.
The Markin-MacPhail Westside Legacy Trail
We’ve completed the finishing touches on the almost all our trail amenities, trail edging and signage for the MMWLT.
The first three segments were handed over to the Regional District of East Kootenay. We are actively working on handing over Segments five to seven. This is exciting for us as it signals the final steps in this important project that has drawn our community together and provided trail users with endless hours of recreation and good health.
The paving of the final loop segment is underway. We faced a few delays but are confident that we are back on track and making good progress. Shout out to Ralph Stewart Contracting for persevering and making such good progress.
This season, we recorded over 65,000 user counts on the Markin-MacPhail Westside Legacy Trail. Comparatively, last season, the total counts were just over 42,000 users.
The Old Coach Trail
The Old Coach Trail is a popular route for more adventurous members of our active transportation community. Many of you may know the parking lot and entrance needed repairs.
We received funding from Kootenay Rockies Tourism were able to upgrade the South Parking Lot and entrance this fall. A much needed, complete overhaul of the entrance road and parking lot area was completed. And the addition of an accessible trail in behind the main entrance gate, so that if you need to avoid the hilly entrance, you are easily able to.
This project is still underway and some more upgrades will be coming in 2022. Stay tuned!
In addition, and with funding from the Columbia Basin Trust and private donors, we were able to install new trail counters on the Old Coach Trail. This project was completed in late September and to date, we have recorded over 10,000 user counts.
Panorama Mineral King and the Cool Water Loop
Lake Lilian and Mount Swansea are popular destination trails, and in recent years we’ve seen increasing and growing numbers of active transportation users.
To help reduce the user density and provide alternative recreational opportunities, with funding from Panorama Mountain Resort, in conjunction with Columbia Basin Trust, we were able to work on the Panorama Mineral King and the Cool Water Loop Trail. This project improved three kilometers of existing trail and added a new seven kilometer segment of year-round multi-use trail. While the main use will most likely be summer mountain biking, the trail also allows for hiking, walking, snowshoeing, fat biking and cross-country skiing. The trail will anchor a larger trail system.
Cross River Canyon Bridge Project
Due to a weather event, the Cross River Canyon Bridge was washed out in 2020. A new bridge has been funded with generous support from Columbia Basin Trust, Nipika Mountain Resort, and BC Ministry of Forests. The bridge decking and trail work approaches have been completed. The bridge placement will occur in 2022. This was an important project for us, and a shining example of how partnerships can work.
Canada Summer Jobs – Social Media
We received a grant from Canada Summer Jobs to support our social media efforts. Thanks to David Arney, we posted 45 times and received 1,175 likes/reactions to our good work. We have also passed the 400 follower mark sitting at 405 followers.
While David’s contract is now complete, and our social media activity will return to pre-summer levels, we look forward to building on his good work and raising our profile once again.
Strategic Planning
As our biggest project in our history comes ever closer to completion, Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance has been undergoing a strategic planning process. Huge thank you to many community stakeholders who attended a visioning exercise in the spring to help inform the Board as it sets a new direction. This important activity helps set our course for the future and define priorities to come. Stay tuned in the coming months! If you have any thoughts about the value of CV Greenways to our com munity, or what you would like to see happen, please drop us a note at lianne.lang@greenways.ca.
Call to Action
Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance does so much more than build trails. We spend time advocating to create more connected networks, supporting our member agencies, working with other groups to build their capacity and provide them with the tools to support their own areas.
We take the time to do this work because we are committed to more greenspace, more chances for active transportation everywhere. And like you, we know that a healthy trail system increases the livability of the area, improves the economy, and supports the health and well-being of people in the area.
Your support to build new trails and provide guidance to other groups is very much appreciated. Thanks to you CVGTA’s footprint is much bigger than we ever thought it could be (and that’s a good thing!).
Once again, as we approach Giving Tuesday, we ask you to give to Greenways. Your support means that we will be able to continue to progress our work in creating community infrastructure and recreational opportunities within our communities. Thank you!