Run For Dreams

 In Events, News

When: October 12th
Time: 10:30am to 12:30pm

On Thursday October 12th, the Westside Legacy Trail will host the Valley’s largest outdoor running event to date – Run for Dreams with a confirmed registration of 775 students to date! Spearheaded by the Windermere Elementary School’s Grade 6/7 Class, and teacher Tara Whittick, the students approached Greenways earlier this year with an ambitious fundraising project. They pitched a fundraising run, involving the Windermere Zone of the Rocky Mountain School District, in Dragon’s Den style – and the deal was immediately sealed. Mrs. Whittick approached the school district’s Superintendent, Paul Carriere, who agreed to support the event and supply bussing, making it possible for up to 1,000 students from the Windermere Zone to participate.

With the full support of the School District, Greenways, and Mrs. Whittick, the students jumped into high gear, organizing the framework for a magnificent event – including posters, videos, fundraising ideas, prizes, and volunteers. All of which attracted the attention of Canadian Funny man Rick Mercer, who produced a response video supporting the students.

But that’s not all, numerous sponsors are providing funding to ensure every student has a commemorative tee shirt, and to feed all the athletes after the run. The Rotary Club of Invermere and Crazy Soles are also contributing their decades of race-organizing experience, guidance and volunteer support.

“The kids did an amazing job of planning the event”, said Mark Halwa, Executive Director of Greenways, “and they will now be canvassing the community for donations to help finish the trail”. So, when you see a student at your door between now and October 12th, please give generously. This Run for Dreams event allows the students to be the best they can be – and realize the super heroes inside themselves. It is fabulous for them to be so proactive in fundraising to complete our world class amenity.

For more information please visit

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