Fundraising – good news!

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[lead]We’ve received our single largest donation to date
from the Columbia Basin Trust – $250,000![/lead]

As Summer wraps up, the Greenways Trail Alliance and the Westside Legacy Trail have made a big impact both in fundraising and awareness. You may have seen us at the Farmer’s Market in Invermere, attended the K2 Ranch Barn Dance, seen us at Loop the Lake, the Invermere Music Fest, or many other events and gatherings around the valley. Everyone’s abuzz with anticipation for this project – and we feel it too! With all this excitement, we’re proud to announce that we have raised just under $2M of our goal of $5M, thanks to your generous donations – and especially the recent $250,000 grant from Columbia Basin Trust.  We’re extraordinarily pleased to have the support of the CBT and their donation – is currently the largest to date.

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