Barb and Bob Shaunessy protect 4,5000 hectares of grassland

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[lead]Bob/Barb Shaunessy have partnered with the Nature Conservancy to protect more than 4,500 hectares of grassland. The Shaunessey’s are majority donors of (private) land to the Westside Legacy Trail, and this recent covenant illustrates their generosity and environmental leadership.[/lead]

What this means for the Valley:

  • Located in the Upper Columbia Valley approximately 12 kilometres south of Invermere, the SRL-K2 Ranch Conservation Project includes 11,192 acres (4,529 hectares) of mixed forest and grassland on the west side of Windermere Lake.
  • The property borders two protected areas: The Nature Trust of BC’s Hoodoo-Hofert property and Windermere Lake Provincial Park.
  • Wetlands on the property support foraging and breeding habitat for several waterfowl species, including Barrow’s goldeneye, hooded merganser, mallard and ruddy duck.
  • The open forest and grasslands support high value winter range for elk and deer, as well habitat for several rare and at-risk species, including the nationally-endangered American badger.

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