Trek the Trail

This is Mark Halwa, Executive Director, and your Trek the Trail host!
Trails need love too!
Tour the Westside Legacy Trail on Feb 14
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Greenways is hosting a guided trail tour on Sunday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day), @ 10:00 AM
Begins at the Hither Dither trailhead (2.7km heading south past the cattleguard, on Westside Rd)
[lead]Grab your nordic skis, snowshoes, fatbikes or winter boots – whatever it takes – and join us for our first ever Trek The Trail: A Guided Tour of the Westside Legacy Trail![/lead]
It’s probably quite obvious how passionate we are about this trail, and we want to share WHY. You’re invited to explore the first few kilometres of trail with us (so you can earn that couch time!), and an aprés event with a hot drinks, snacks, and a warm fire to share some laughs around.
With every detail in place to begin, trail construction is set to start in 2016, all we need now is your support!
This event is about having some fun, and sharing our passion. If you’re up for it, join us with your mode of transport, and some warm clothes. The fun is on us!