Invermere to Fairmont – Westside Legacy Trail Progress Update!

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[lead]A lot of progress has been made on the new Westside Legacy Trail, and we’re excited to update everyone on just how far we’ve come. Of course, if you want to stay connected – please subscribe to our newsletter for more updates![/lead]

The WLT will begin at the south boundary of Invermere (near Castlerock Estates) and will end at the railway overpass entering Fairmont Hot Springs. It will be 25 kilometers long, five meters wide with a three meter paved surface and a painted centreline.

[list-group] [list-group-item]Trail routing has been flagged, surveyed and all the land for the 25 km route was permanently donated by private landowners[/list-group-item] [list-group-item]The Regional District of East Kootenay is making the trail into a regional park and will provide liability and maintenance in perpetuity[/list-group-item] [list-group-item]The construction permit has been issued for the sections of the trail requiring routing through BC Ministry of Transportation Right-Of-Ways[/list-group-item] [list-group-item]Over $600,000 of land, in-kind donations (gravel, consulting, engineering services, building materials, equipment time) and cash has been secured, which has created a “shovel ready” project – now awaiting funding![/list-group-item] [/list-group]

The project is being undertaken by the Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance, a registered charity with a 13 year history of delivering successful community projects from Golden to Canal Flats, BC. The directors of Greenways are representatives from a variety of local service clubs, privately owned for-profit entities and the Village of Canal Flats.

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