We’ve reached $1 Million!

 In News
[lead]We feel the love for Trails! As of Valentines Day (February 14th), we’ve raised our first $1 Million (actually, $1.2 Million). [/lead]

This is a landmark milestone for all of us at Greenways, and we’re excited to share the good news. The support for this project has been overwhelming, and we want to take a moment to sincerely thank each and every one of you. From those who have donated land, money, their expertise, equipment and supplies, your generosity and passion shows that we can accomplish so many great things in our lifetimes.


[button-group size=”lg”] [button link=”http://ourtrail.org/supporters/”]Our Supporters[/button] [button link=”http://ourtrail.org/donors/”]Recent Donors[/button] [/button-group]


[alert type=”success”]This milestone puts us in a great position to potentially complete the first 6KM of Trail this Spring![/alert] [panel heading=”Donation Matching”]


Make the most of your Donations with Match Funding

Any donation made before March 31 2016 could be match funded*, to a maximum total amount of $1.5 Million, with grants from BikeBC and Columbia Basin Trust. Your donation to the Westside Legacy Trail can be more than twice as effective – AND help us reach our halfway mark ahead of schedule!

[button-group size=”lg”] [button link=”https://www.greenways.ca/donate”]Donate Now[/button] [button link=”http://ourtrail.org/?p=356&preview=true”]More Info[/button] [/button-group]


*Pending grant approvals.

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