2018 Fat Bike Day

 In Events

Did you know the Trail can be just as great in the winter as it is in the summer? On Dec. 28th at 12:30 pm, the Markin-MacPhail Westside Legacy Trail Fund Raising Committee will be hosting a Fatbike Day. Owners of fatbikes are encouraged to bring their own bike; if you don’t own one, a limited number of bikes are also available to rent. People looking to walk or snowshoe are also welcome.

To lead the ride, Bob Shaunessy will be guiding the group from the second parking lot of the trail, known as Hither Dither, to Brady Creek. In total, the ride will be 6.4 kilometers, but participants are welcome to ride further or turn back sooner if they please.

Before and after the event, a bonfire will be blazing at the parking lot of the SRL parking lot to keep everyone warm; snacks and beverages will also be provided.

If you’d like to participate in this event, contact lianne.lang@greenways.ca to rsvp.

*If you are interested in purchasing a fatbike, Columbia Cycle & Ski are offering a discount for event participants.

12:30pm Hither Dither parking lot – 2.5km from North Trailhead

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