Cycling Without Age Coming to Invermere, and the Westside Legacy Trail

 In News

[lead]The Westside Legacy Trail was founded to create a world-class recreational amenity, free of charge, for everyone to use. With partners like Cycling Without Age (locals Blaine Nester and Don Devlin), seniors and those with mobility issues will have the same opportunity to experience the Westside Legacy Trail along with the rest of the community.[/lead]

Cycling Without Age starts with the simple and generous act of taking one or two elderly or less-abled people out on a bike ride. It’s a simple act that everyone can do and is about creating a multitude of new relationships: between generations, among the elderly, between pilots and passengers, nursing homes employees and family members. Relationships build trust, happiness and quality of life out on the trail, and among all community members.

How It Works

Volunteers (pilots) sign up for bike rides with the elderly as often as they wish. It’s all driven by people’s own motivation. At present more than 450 chapters around the world offer Cycling Without Age with over 1,500 trishaws – and the numbers are growing. More than 10,000 pilots ensure that the elderly get out of their nursing homes, out on the bikes to enjoy the fresh air and the community around them. They give them the right to experience “wind in their hair” on a world class Trail in our community.

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