BikeBC Grant Application – $1m in Funding available

 In News

[lead]The Columbia Valley Greenways Trail Alliance has made tremendous progress on the Westside Legacy Trail during 2016, and with a planned start date of April 1st, 2017, there’s a lot of reason to celebrate this holiday season. Together, as a community, you’ve helped to raise nearly $2.5M (almost half of the estimated Trail cost), and that deserves a special thank you.[/lead]

With a solid funder base, and the current developments made on the trail the CVGTA is in a prime position to apply for some significant granting opportunities – specifically from BikeBC. All permits have been issued – for construction and environmental impacts – the most recent being the Agricultural Land Commission permit. In addition, a significant amount of planning has been completed, the Trail location is completely mapped, amenities have been selected and distributed, and contractors to complete the work have been selected.

Many readers may recall the campaign for the BikeBC $1 Million grant during the 2016 cycle, one we were not able to secure due to being a little too ‘out-of-the-gate’ for their criteria. The BikeBC grant is an initiative to encourage healthy living, and safe cycling infrastructure, which fits the mandate of the WLT completely. This year we are more than prepared – we’re nearly shovel ready, and prevent only by weather. We have again applied for $1 Million in donation matching funds, of which ALL donations made during the campaign last year are eligible – and, of course, any new donations.

All grants are supplemented by donations from individuals, businesses and organizations. It would be a massive boost to our 2017 construction schedule if the BikeBC Grant were approved, setting us squarely and significantly ahead. However, it’s important to note the majority of the success of the Westside Legacy Trail has come from local, second home owner, and visitor donations.[/panel]

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