Agricultural Land Commission Permit Approved!

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Progress on the Trail will be moving quickly now that the CVTA has acquired the final permit required for construction of the Westside Legacy Trail.

[lead]We’ve successfully applied for numerous permits to use provincial land, clear timber, build bridges, cross creeks and identify areas of archeological importance.  The final permit from the Agricultural Land Commission was a lengthy process that takes into account the environmental impact of the Westside Legacy Trail with regards to current and future agricultural use, and we’re happy to announce it has been APPROVED![/lead]

During this time Greenways has been finalizing the construction details of Westside Legacy Trail. With an interpretive boardwalk, bridges, picnic areas, trail flagstones, rest areas, benches, and trailhead kiosks, there was a lot of decision making to be made! Final designs for nearly all the amenities has been determined as well as the layout and distribution of these amenities (see a full breakdown of the trail on

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