Invermere Lightup: We heard you!

 In Events
[lead]We asked – you responded! During the 2015 Invermere Light Up Parade we asked Invermere why they were excited for the new Westside Legacy Trail. This is what they said:[/lead]

We had many excited bikers/cyclists (9 total!) who had this to say:

  1. “Biking”
  2. “Family Rides”
  3. “Smooth Rides”
  4. “So I can bike!”
  5. “Bike Trails”
  6. “Faire du vélo”
  7. “Bike Fast”
  8. “We want to ride as a family!”
  9. “Ride beside the lush green trail. On the trail of Awesomeness”

Four people pleased to hear about a safe place to enjoy the views along Westside Road:

  1. “Be safe on Westside Road”
  2. “Safe space for people to enjoy nature”
  3. “Hip Hip Hooray for a safe place to ride”
  4. “Safety”

A family of Adventurers, a Runner, a Hopper, a Skier, and… one amazing family intent on Flying!

  1. “I would like to fly on my strider”
  2. “Hopping” – Our favourite
  3. “Running”
  4. “Ski”
  5. “For family adventure!”

Plus three nature-buffs, excited to finally have a paved, accessible trail:

  1. “Ride beside the lush green trail. On the trail of Awesomeness”
  2. “That we can ride/run/etc in the wilderness and be off the road”
  3. “I can’t wait!”
  4. “Now we can run among nature! No more exhaust, just exhaustion!”

And one lady who just wants some fries from From Scratch (Fairmont). I think we all might join her!

  1. “So I can get fries at From Scratch”
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