[button type=”info” size=”md” link=”http://ourtrail.org/amenities/trail-naming-rights/”][icon type=”arrow-left”] Trail Naming Rights[/button]
[button type=”info” size=”md” link=”http://ourtrail.org/amenities/kilometers-of-trail/”]Kilometers of Trail [icon type=”arrow-right”][/button]


Your name on the entrance and exit of the Nature’s Boardwalk, as well as on the interpretive signage located along the Nature’s Boardwalk, and on both Donor Walls.
1KM of Trail ($50,000 value)
A charitable tax receipt.
Fine Print
Donations can be made by cheque, cash, credit card, or by equities.
Naming options to be a maximum of 140 characters and contain your name, or the name of your family, group, company, organization, or non-profit. Ex: Doe Family Boardwalk.
Maximum 30 characters on interpretive signage.
Proposed names are subject to approval.
This amenity has a minimum lifetime of 25yrs, and you will retain first right of refusal to renew.

Nature’s Walkway


1 of 1 Available

One of the most interesting areas of the Westside Legacy Trail is the interpretive Nature’s Walkway. Located within the Johnston Creek segment, the boardwalk spans 48 meters of wetland and is in a prime position for wildlife and bird watching. This high-traffic amenity will feature a series of educational interpretive signs about the area’s history, wildlife and unique facts about the Valley. This amenity includes naming rights for Kilometer #7 (a $50k value), and we’ve lovingly dubbed it “Nature’s Combo.” Here’s your opportunity to strengthen the valley and the wildlife within it by supporting an environmentally conscious boardwalk which will preserve the waters below, while helping educate those who run, walk or roll overhead. Imagine the younger generation eagerly anticipating the next interpretive sign with their little footsteps – that’s who this Trail is for!

[button type=”info” size=”lg” link=”https://www.greenways.ca/donate”] Donate Today [/button]

Fast Facts

  • What is it?
    Interpretive Boardwalk, plus 1 Km of Trail
  • Located: Kilometer seven in the Johnston Cr. Segment